Kaylee has now broken TWO bones within a year!!! Friday at school she jumped off of a piece of playground equipment, went to see the school nurse and she thought it was just sprained. There was no swelling, discoloration and had great circulation. Saturday morning we had to be on the soccer field at 7:30am for a single elimination tournament which means if we win we keep playing. Of course ADAMS LAWN SERVICE U8 girls won all day long and ended up in the championship game on Sunday afternoon. Kaylee played three games before we could leave to get an x-ray. The Dr. that looked at it didn't think it was broke either until he got the x-rays back. He could not believe that she had not complained anymore than she did. So today when went to her orthopedic Dr., (pretty sad at six years old and you already have a bone Dr.)Dr. Kyle Joyner. He walks in and says, "you again Ms. Kaylee"? (That is pretty sad too) He did confirm that it was broke above the growth plate and put her in a PINK cast for six weeks. While we where waiting Kaylee was trying to decide what color cast she would get this time, since she has already had a hot pink one and a purple one. So this time she went with light pink with sparkles. The worse part for Kaylee is Dr. Joyner told her NO soccer for three weeks, that liked to have killed her! Please keep her in your prayers in hopes that it heals quickly. What a tuff little gril!!!!