Alright I know it has been awhile so hang with me as we do some catching up...
Two weekends ago was the beginning of soccer season. We played in the preseason tournament and took second place on Sunday afternoon in the championship game. Congrats to Adams Lawn Service U-8 girls soccer team. We actually lost to a team full of Kaylee's friends and as competitive as you all know that I was a hard fought game that we HATED to lose!!! Just kidding...I know half of you reading this has a child on "that red team"!!! hehheheheheh!!! Love ya guys!
Last weekend we started our regular season games with a win. We played again this morning and that was another W for our little girls. So that is 2-0 for the green team!
My long time friend Ashley got married last Saturday in Murfreesboro. It was such a sweet little wedding and we are so happy for her. She and Billy make a great couple....CONGRATS!
Kaylee & Ethan
Kara Brooke
{I love that look}
On Sept. 16 Kris and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary. He stayed home with KB while I took Kaylee to soccer practice.
Our engagement picture

Kara Brooke went to see Dr. Bradley for her 4 month check up on Wednesday. She tipped the scale at 17lbs. and are you ready for this.......27 in. long........WHEW! Of course she is off the chart on her height and almost off the chart on her weight. She is measuring the size of a 6 month old. She is now going to be eating cereal mixed with fruit from a spoon two times a day. She also said that she could have 4oz. of juice a day if she needed it but try not to start the juice just yet because she don't want her getting use to the juice and not wanting her formula. So today I had to buy size 3 diapers and some Gerber 1st food banana's.....this little girl is just growing WAAYYYY to fast!

And just in case you have not already heard this family........ having a BABY BOY in January!!!!