Saturday, April 26, 2008

Friday's Dr. report

Well Fri. wasn't so bad. I had lost two pounds of the eleven that I gained last week, my BP was down about 3 points which meant it was still in the normal range. I have dilated to almost a 3 and 70% thinned out and there was still no protein in my urine. Kara Brooke's heart beat was still great and she is showing no signs of stress. While Dr. Moss was measuring my abdomen she was saying, "oh she is going to be a big girl and I do believe I was right, we will not make it to this babies due date." She did take me out of work until 8 weeks after Kara Brooke gets here. She did allow me to go to Kaylee's ball game last night (and yes they did win) but today and tomorrow I am on complete bed rest. My Mom will be here this afternoon to help get KB's room organized, get some of her little things washed and our bags packed (which Dr. Moss told me two weeks ago to do). I will be going back to the Dr. Monday morning and she said we would just take the rest of the pregnancy day by day.


Kim said...

My friend - the day is drawing near!! I hope your ready?! Okay, are we ever ready??

Susan said...

I am calling you every so often to make sure you ARE at home and OFF your feet!!!!!!!! Remember to call me if you need anything.