Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Report Card day!
Another six weeks has rolled on by and Kaylee had another great report card! Straight A's again and her spelling average went from 101 to 102.8!! She makes us so proud! Sometimes I wonder how she does so well and still manages to get "needs improvement" on controls talking! Hummmm... I guess she likes to socialize like someone else we know! {Her Momma???}
Stayed tuned for a sneak peek of Kara Brooke's 9 month old pictures!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
So this morning Kara Brooke woke up at 12 midnight and didn't go back to sleep until 2:15am. Not sure what was wrong with her this time other than we think she may have ate too many Cheerios and got a tummy ache. Anyway...Kaylee went in KB's room to wake her up this morning and came out cracking up laughing telling me and Kris that we had to go see how she was asleep. This is what we found...........

RELAXING, taking it easy...since she kept everybody up half the night! She NEVER sleeps on her back and we have NEVER seen her put her hands behind her head! This kid is too funny! {Don't you just love that bed head?}
Friday, February 20, 2009
And ANOTHER one!
Yeap, Kara Brooke has another tooth! Kris called me while I was working the consignment sale to tell me. I guess that is why she has woke up the last two nights screaming and crying and staying up for two hours! Bless her little heart!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Could it be?
a TOOTH? Oh yes it is.....FINALLY Kara Brooke has cut a tooth! Last night she went to bed about 8:30 and seemed to be sleeping good then about 1:15 she started crying, screaming and tossing & turning in her bed. I went in there and tried to console her but nothing was working. Bless her little heart she was so tired that she wouldn't even open her eyes. Finally it occurred to me that it must be her teeth, so we gave her Tylenol and teething tablets and I rocked her for about 15 minutes and she was out. We didn't hear anything from her the rest of the night. Then this morning when Kris woke her up....there it was! She is so funny because she continually runs her little tongue over it. I would say any day her other little right one will cut on through!
And while we are talking about firsts; Kara Brooke got her first bruise tonight and of all places guess where it is on her forehead down toward her left eye! Poor baby! Have I mentioned that we have decided that Kara Brooke is going to be a climber? Well if not lets mark it down She WILL be a climber! I have a little wooden bench that my Uncle had made for me when I was little (I'm sure you have seen it in some previous post} it was in the hall way but I have moved it to KB's room to put her Hello Kitty on it. The other night I left her room for no more than 3-5 minutes and when I came back she had pulled up to the bench threw Hello Kitty on the floor and the little stink was standing up on the bench with her hands on the wall! Oh me..............
Kaylee is in the middle of Jr. Pro basketball at Liberty and is doing really well. She says she loves basketball. {YEAH!}
Don't forget Once Upon a Time Children's Consignment Sale begins Saturday morning and continues until next Saturday! If you have not shopped this sale before you are really missing out. It is the most organized place you have ever been too probably better than most full time shops and they have A LOT of good consignors! So if you get a chance go on by there I know they would love to see you! (There you go Andrea a free plug 'cause you know SOOOOO many people read "Adams Party of 4"!}
Monday, February 16, 2009
9 month old check up
The stats are in.....Kara Brooke weighs 21 lbs. 15 oz. That means she weighs and is taller than 90 out of 100 babies. {Not bad it was 95%} Dr. Johnston checked her from head to toe and she said that our little KB is fabulous! She said that she is right on track as far as motor skills, babbling and understandings concepts such as "no no"! She told us that we could try to back her off of the Alimentum formula back down to the step prior before this crazy expensive, stinky stuff! Cross your fingers that; that goes well it will be nice to save about $40 a week on formula! Dr. Johnston also said that those little pearly whites should be cutting on through any day!
{This picture is for you Robyn! Thanks!}
Friday, February 13, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
9 months old
Guess who is 9 months old......
My little pumpkin is 9 months old, it is so hard to believe that she has been on the outside of me now for as long as she was inside of me! She is doing so many new things and is developing her own little personality! She is pulling up on everything and then "cruises" around whatever she is standing at, she will even let go and reach for other things and then she falls down and starts all over again. She loves walking, I mean running in her walker! She understands peek a boo and cracks up laughing! She is trying to patty cake. She loves her "treats" {as Kaylee says} which consist of the Gerber puffs and Cheerios, Cheerios being her favorite! Still NO teeth! She used to like to take a bath but now thinks she has better things to do and HATES it when the water gets on her face and tries to climb out soaking everything including me! She knows what "No No" means but doesn't always abide by it, she will even shake her head no! Loves her big sister so much...she follows her everywhere!
We go to see Dr. Susan Johnston (since Dr. Bradley is on maternity leave} on Monday, I can't wait to see what the stats will be!
Here is a video of her eating a Cheerio and then running in her walker! {Sorry the quality isn't good; it is off of my cell phone.}
And here is another one of her....
Please remember to keep Korley Davis {Donald & Becky Davis' daughter} and also Mason Shavers {Bubba & Mary Leta Shavers son} in your prayers. They are both going through some really hard times right now and need to be lifted up in our prayers. If you need more information on either child, please email me!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
How about this for some cuteness?
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