Tuesday, January 12, 2010

20 months old

Wow....so close to two years old!  My oh my at how time flies!  Kara Brooke, you are changing into a mischievous sweet little girl, not so much a baby anymore!  I do believe the "terrible twos" are settling in a little early at our house though!  We have put up your highchair and you now sit in a booster seat at the table.  You love to pray when we eat, as we hold hands around the table you repeat after me or Kaylee, "Thank you Jesus, Amen", with your eyes half open so you can see what everyone else is doing!  It is just so sweet!  You and Kaylee actually play together good, you always have to be the kid and Kaylee always gets to be the teacher but really, you don't mind at all!  You do have a few more teeth, I'm sorry I haven't been able to count them but you are like a little piranha and I would like to keep my fingers, so I have no idea how many of those little sharp jokers are in there.  You are talking up a storm but still only when you want to or you want something.  Your newest word is "MOOOOVEE" and then we make you say, "Please", and you do, more like "Pewweeese".

You were broke from the paci until you found one a few weeks ago and now you WILL NOT let it go when you are at home!  You say, "Babe's pappy" and stick your tongue out.  You have got four months to give it up little sister or we will have to say good bye the hard way!  {I will add that I have hid all paci's now except for the one she keeps in her bed, that is a start right?}  You still love, love your baby dolls and it is so sweet that they share their bed and stroller with you!


Each and every day you are doing something new and something funny!  Your little personality is becoming more evident each day too!  I just can't believe you are almost two, guess I should start thinking about that second birthday party it will be here before I can turn around twice!  We love you so much Kara Brooke and I wished I could just slow time down for you and your big sister!



Karen said...

She is tooo adorable!

Andrea M said...

She is so sweet! I can not believe she is almost two. You are so blessed.