Kara Brooke update:
We still have had trouble with her little belly, so Dr. Bradley changed her formula again to Similac Alimentum. Everyone that I have talked to has said that it is the best stuff that has ever been created. So far so good for us too, but I'm trying not to speak too soon. It seems like it is satisfying her a lot better and she is not eating as much and her tummy seems to be getting better. Dr. Bradley also called us in some drops for gas that is supposed to be a little stronger than Mylicon and that seems to be helping too. We will just keep our fingers crossed and hope that we get it worked out soon. She is just the sweetest little thing even with her tummy ache! Hopefully we will be able to get out with her more over the weekend and next week, I know some of you are just dying to meet her!

Hope everyone has a great and safe Memorial Day weekend!!!!